Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm a jealous, paranoid person. I'm insecure and feel oh-so guilty. How can I be this certain, yet be this bothered? Is it normal to become horrendously jealous, to the point of irrational dislike? Logically, I've no grounds. The past is passed. The future is mine, and only mine. Sigh. If only my emotions were logically sound, but alas, God did not program us that way. Add my morbid curiosity to the equation and that just explodes into a recipe for constant, disastrously effective self torture. Oh love, you fickle, fiendish friend. You've shown me I am capable of horribly harsh thoughts and feelings. You've revealed my jealous, hateful, and possesive self. Yet, I'm loved all the more for it? How is this so? How am I justified to feel the way I do? You've also shown me that logic simply has no place when referring to you. You are the most peculiar, needed, comforting, confusing, wretched, lovely emotion I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. And, thanks to you, I've embraced this brazen side of me. I've embraced it simply because I must; I must be selfish and embrace, lest I lose the cause of this love. Thank you, my friend.

Wintermester, oh sweet, short semester. Thank you for being. The time to read, think, and BREATHE is indispensable. I've had time to write my friends, be a little more diligent about my Christmas-giving, and read simply for reading's sake. It's incredible how delisciously soothing just reading is to my soul. Yes, yes, I am now, more than ever, an avid librarian :] And yes, I have been working this holiday season, and it's been splendid. All I have to do is read, read, read. It is heaven. I've had time to cook again! Ah, cooking. I watched Julie/Julia the other day. First of all, her real blog is hilarious. She writes in a very enjoyable manner. I've literally laughed out loud at her ramblings. Secondly, Meryl Streep is a godsend. Her portrayal of Julia was not only accurate, it was ridiculously entertaining. Plus, she's just gorgeous, ESPECIALLY considering her age. What a woman! Thirdly, the movie was about FOOD. Good lord, food. Sigh.

Speaking of! I'm eating tons better. Never again will I hear my mother nark on me about getting diabetes! Haha. I snack when I ought to, I limit my intake during mealtimes, and I'm desperately working on not skipping meals to curb my binging habits. I'm still making exceptions when I'm on my period, but who doesn't? Only crazies. Cause your period is enough suffering to go through without adding on FOOD limitations. Crazies. God, I was craving oreos. And all because of THIS video. Sigh, JawKneeYeah, you silly, silly asian :]

I am so insanely excited for next week. For after our celebration of MLK, Spring Semester begins! Yes, I've enjoyed the break, quite thoroughly in fact, but I miss learning! I miss being active! I miss having a full, hectic schedule! And I realize I am the biggest dork imaginable, but, to be horribly frank, I don't give a fuck. This semester I'm taking tennis (yay!), trig, financial accounting, biology (eh), government (hoorah!), and keeping up with kickboxing (HELL yes). I've also started these 530am workouts with me madre. Get this. I used to take karate. And yes, I kicked ass. What would you expect? I'm asian, silly. Anyways, one thing led to another, as life often happens, and I haven't taken it in years. This DUDe, Mr. Mcgee, started up his own karate joint (our old place went out of business, which life also does to things. So sad.), and he's the one who offers to get up at 530 in the freaking morning to get us toned and ready for our day. So it's like I'm back in seminary, with a more streaming-of-profanity thought process and a lot less ice cream and candy goin on. Hahahaha. Needless to say, I'm also getting back into karate. I can finally get my black belt! I'm so excited for 2010, it's (yes, yes, again I say it) RIDICULOUS.

To be noted: February 5th is swiftly approaching! What does this date mean, you ask? Why, dear fellow, it means a year. A year since I found my soulmate. A year since I started my adventure in becoming the future Mrs. Drexel. A year since my search ended. A year since my learning of true love began. A year since I finally found MY Mr. Darcy, Knightly, and dear, dear Wesley. Oh Wesley! Lol. Karl Arthur Drexel, I love you, and this year with you has been enlightening, cherishable, and greatly needed. Thank you, my love. I love us :]

And on that high note, I bid you adieu.



    Also, what are you like without your sugar? Weird...

    And picturing you in kickboxing reminds me of fight club.

    Just sayin.

    Love you!

  2. hahaha. I had a lot to say. I haven't actually written a good amount of anything in forever. Ahhh, the relief of blogging lol :]

    And trust me dear, I still have some sugar, I've just considerably curbed it so I don't spontaneously combust someday. No worries. I'm still me :]

    BAHAHAHA. Kickboxiiiiing. Is the freaking BEST. It's so stress relieving. And you would be proud of me if you saw me. I pound shit in there haha.

    LOVE YOU!!!
