Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's 2:20 am

and I'm listening to the serenely soothing voice of Holly Brook and reflecting on life. The government book is just not capturing my attention anymore, so I'm taking a break from the night of cramming. Don't worry, I'll get right back to it in just a little bit.

I never thought I could be this happy with life. It's amazing how much comfort KNOWING you've found you're soul mate brings. Yes, I realize I sound naive and infatuated, but there's no other way to explain how I feel. No other word has the emphasis needed to describe the importance he plays in my life. I didn't realize it at the time, but our meeting was life-changing. Who knew his influence would change the daily routine of my everyday? I would call him my drug, but he's not just something I crave and need a dose of every hour. He's more of a necessity, rather than an addiction: air rather than crack, water rather than x. Time apart, does indeed, make the heart grow fonder, but reuniting reminds the lungs what real breathing feels like. No one ever told me the havoc a soul mate can wreak on something as natural and instinctive as breathing. I never knew loving someone felt this strong or would change someone's views so entirely. I never truly understood the expression of "my better half". He changed that for me, and I'm eternally in his debt for the blessed revelation.
I only wish I had words that could effectively portray my feelings.

This Thanksgiving left a deep, irrevocable impression on me. Grandma flew in. Karl was there. I felt like crying from the happiness and love I felt. My family was all there. It was the most incredible feeling in the entire world, and reminded my why I'm still living at home and am so hesitant to leave. I thank God, every day, for the blessings of my family, and my future husband. Never have I felt more thankful than on this past holiday.

I saw so many pregos at school today. It makes me want my gorgeous babies now. Phia is growing up so fast...I don't know how I'm going to stand being babyless another few years. Sigh. I'm such a mother.

OKay. Break is over. Back to studying.


  1. Finally. When is your wedding gonna be? I might be outta the country

  2. Hahaha. Not till after we're done at Collin, at least. We're considering whether we're gonna wait till we're completely done with school or not. Where might you be, and when??? Cause it won't be for at least another two years. People I love are all on their missions right now.

  3. Wonderful. it would be next summer, and hopefully I'll be in Egypt.

  4. I'm hoping right along with you! If I can't travel the world right now like I'd VERY MUCH LOVE TO, I hope someone I know can so I can badger them with curious questions! Lol :]
