Sunday, June 21, 2009

First actual blog in months...

And here I find myself, once again, blogging. I had stopped, just because things stop sometimes, but was beseeched to start one up the other day. So here I am, bored senseless, and throwing my thoughts out for the world to see. What a productive way to spend my afternoon, no?

I recently finished the 6th and 7th Harry Potter books for the umpteenth time. I've actually lost count on how many times I've lost my head in that glorious series. These books are by far, hands down, without doubt, the best series I've ever read. You're immersed in a world so fantastical and absorbing that it's thoroughly addicting. Anyways, as I was saying, I finished the last two recently. I forgot for awhile just how much I had come to admire Severus Snape. He and Dumbledore amaze me to my core. Their stories are just so tragic... It's heart-wrenching what Snape went through; what he endured right to the very end. Sigh.

The 6th movie better not be as screwed up as the last one. That would just make my day.

As of right now, my brain's basically dead. It's been one of those insanely lazy days where even MORE sleep seems to be needed, because there's no hope of functioning properly for the next 24 hours for no apparent reason. I'm now off to try and accomplish this magic called sleep, but will be more likely caught observing the eccentricites and endless bursts of energy from the monkeys disguised as toddlers.

1 comment:

  1. YES!!!

    I will bother you to keep this up.

    It's what i fill my free time with.

    I blog stalk.
